
Thursday, February 23, 2006

Lake Champlain Monster

I found this story on Yahoo News about a monster in Lake Champlain, New York. Very interesting. Two fisherman caught a small portion of some type of serpent underwater. You can read the story at
Is it Champ the Lake Champlain monster or not?
The world may never know.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Homeschool and Socialization

Homeschool and socialization is a subject that always comes up when you meet a non-homeschooler. Being a homeschool mom it's an issue that you must think about and define.
Well I've thought about it a lot. We are not hermits. My husband and I are very active politically and with the Cub Scouts. Tanek takes karate and is in Cub Scouts. He will probably be on a little league team this summer and take swimming lessons. Kaia is in the Girl Scouts and takes part in a lot of the Cub Scout activities.
Some might say but those are organized groups and the kids don't have much "play-time" together. Well, that is also the case in a regular school. Those children are seated in desk most of the day so they also don't have much "play time". Plus my children are learning to socialize with children of varied ages and that really isn't the case in most elementary schools.
We are part of a homeschool group that meets once a week. Some of our meetings are two hours of our children just playing and interacting. Our children also have friends that come over to play and they go over to their friends houses.
My husband and I both attended public schools and our ability to deal with social situations is very different. My husband is an extrovert. He can talk to anyone like they are his best friend. I, on the other hand, am an introvert. If you put me in a room full of people I don't know I sort of panic. Did public school make us that way? I'm not really sure. I think Vinson just has a knack for dealing with people. Public school probably didn't help my situation too much. Being an introvert is like having a kick me sign on your back. Some people take that as a sign of weakness. Not a good thing when they are looking for someone to pick on.
So, are my children socialized? I think so. Tanek will walk up to a group of kids he's never met at the playground and just start taking part in whatever game they are playing. I guess he's like his father. Kaia needs more time to get to know people and feel her way around a situation, like her mom. I think that's alright and as long as she can find her comfort level without others making a big deal about it she will probably step out of that shell a little more.
So how do I define my children's socialization? Not a problem, they are normal kids having fun and enjoying life while meeting people from all different walks of life. They seem to be doing a pretty good job of it to.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006


We had a great Valentines yesterday. Nothing fancy just fun. I woke up to roses and a beautiful card. I spent the morning trying to get everyone and everything ready to be at the homeschool group Valentines party.

There were games with valentines themes for the kids to play. Vins even got into the games. I think he kept the adults laughing with his antics. The kids all traded cards and candy. We had pizza, chips and dip, and cupcakes to snack on. I think the kids will remember this Valentines Day for awhile.

When we got home we all traded gifts then went to the video store to rent some movies. Like I said nothing fancy but very enjoyable. Sometimes the simple things in life are what matter most.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Day by Day

Yesterday we spent all day at the LP Central Committee meeting. By all day I mean that we left the house at 9:30 am and arrived home last night at 7pm. Not exactly how I wanted to spend my day but we had lots to discuss and as usual some of the guys like to talk and talk and talk. Thank goodness my mother-in-law was watching the kids for us.

Kaia has been suffering with a nasty cold the past few days and it doesn't seem to be getting any better so I guess tomorrow we will be off to the doctor. She seems to be infecting Vins and Tanek with it but so far I'm staying out of harms way. I had to make a phone call this morning to ask a friend if she would handle Tuesdays homeschool group meeting since Kaia probably won't be well by then. I don't want to get everyone elses kids sick.

Last Wednesday we decided to put in the jacuzzi tub we got a long time ago. As usual what was supposed to be an easy job is still an on going horror story. Guess there really wasn't any surprise there. Nothing is ever as easy as it appears. Luckily we have more than one bathroom because now that one has a non-working sink and a semi-working tub.

I figure in a few days someone is going to drop by for a surprise visit while my house and family are in total chaos.