
Monday, August 29, 2005

Hurricane Time

So far we seem to be doing well here in Bunkie. It's still morning and all we are seeing is increased wind. Hopefully we will not lose power.
We've taken a chunk of our morning to do school work. Tanek wasn't very happy about that but we've accomplished a good bit. Now that Tanek is working on 1st grade work and Kaia is working on Kindergarten work it is taking a good bit longer to get things done.
I've been keeping tabs on the news stations to see whats happening. I'm very glad I don't live down further south. All of the people along the coast are in my thoughts today. I heard the Super Dome lost part of its roof and it had thousands of people sheltering there. Lets pray Katrina doesn't take many lives. Good luck to everyone along the coast!

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Lazy Day

It's been a pretty lazy day today. This past week was pretty busy so I don't feel to bad about it.
We spent Thursday fixing a broken pipe on the kitchen sink. Friday we cleaned the house and I cooked dinner for our friend Andrew's birthday. He is really into Big Foot so I made him a Big Foot cake. After dinner and cake we played a game of Trivial Pursuit. I came in last as usual (oh well). Andrew started feeling bad a little later so he headed home. On Saturday I took the kids to Steven's (member of our homeschool group) birthday party. The kids had a blast and didn't want to leave 2 hrs. and 15 min. later. I really enjoyed myself too. It was nice to know more than two people in the room. Kaia has befriended some of the older girls in our homeschool group and they love having her tag along. Tanek took off with the rest of the kids without a backwards glance. He has really come out of his shell this past year.
Guess I need to go get some work done if I don't want this day to be a total waste.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Here I Go Again

Wow! I didn't realize that March was the last time I posted. It has been one crazy year.
My friend Andrew ( you can find his blog at : asked me the other day why I wasn't blogging anymore. Well, I will try this blog thing one more time. Lets hope I can stick with it.
Now you are asking what's kept me so busy this past year. Besides the usual taking care of the family, educating the children and trying to stay sane - lots! Vinson and I volunteered with the local cubscout troop (Tanek is a Tiger cub now), my homeschool group finally got off the ground (5 families), we are hosting the LPL convention in our district next month, this summer the kids had zoo class, swimming lessons, cubscout camp, homeschool group get togethers and teeball. Thats not even everything. I just remembered we took a trip to Arkansas in July for TGI Camping (not fun Vins had a bad case of poison ivy).
I'll wrap this post up now I have a lot to do today. Thanks Andrew for reminding me to blog.