Vins decided the last day of 2012 was a great day for a hike. He was right! We headed out to Chicot Arboretum, minus Tanek who didn't feel like going, for a nice hike. The drive there was uneventful and the weather looked promising.
It was chilly when we began our hike. We decided to take the wetlands trail, which is a nice short hike with some hills and a boardwalk over the wetlands. Finnegan loved being outside and exploring nature. He played in the leaves that were scattered along the trail and chased Kaia up and down the hills. He learned to say tree and thought it was fun to hug trees as we hiked.
About halfway through the hike it started to warm up. Chicot has benches along the trail and a gazebo in the wetlands area. We stopped a few times to rest and enjoy the peace and quiet. We didn't see any other people while we were there. We did see lots of birds and heard their friendly chirping.
Near the end Finnegan got tired and wanted to be carried. After about ten minutes of being carried he got another spurt of energy and decided to finish the trail on his own two feet. Kaia and Vins finished the last of the trail with a race uphill. Kaia won:)
Plant a tree!
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